
Sunday, July 24, 2005 

Song of The Month

Mercedes Benz
by Janis Joplin

Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
My friends all drive porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz

Oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.
Dialing for dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until 3.
So oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.

Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.
I'm counting on you lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round.
Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.

Bajangkirek adalah:

    Seorang wanita lesbian yang terjebak didalam tubuh seorang pria tampan. Saat ini sedang berusaha untuk tidak memusuhi senja. Percaya bahwa dirinya berasal dari sejenis serangga. Menulis baginya merupakan penyaluran libido.

  • Bajangkirek.multiply.com

Lindap Orthophera

Yang Lalu....
