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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Even if There is a God We're Fucked Anyway

Scientifically the age of the Earth is guessed to be about 5-6 billion years old. The Bible maintains that the Earth was created in 6 days. Many people have suggested that a "day" to God may be more than the 24 hour period that we humans have designated. So let's say that a day to God is a billion years. This way Christians and science can be in harmony.

Now if you read the Old Testament, you'll see that plenty of people got to speak to God, or at least an incarnation of God. Abraham, Solomon, Job and Moses to name a few. Then Jesus came along and he was God. And as far as I can tell nothing since. Or at least anyone who has claimed to have spoken directly to God since then has generally been burned at the stake or had tanks come and shoot fire into their compound. So Jesus was the last time God has been seen in the world. Since he spoke to people we can also say that is the last time God has spoken to anyone in the world or been seen in the world at all.

Now, the bible isn't clear as to when exactly the sixth day ended. But what if, and I think this makes a certain amount of sense, the day Jesus died was midnight on the sixth day for God? I mean clearly if Jesus was God he wasn't resting when Jesus was alive. Jesus walked around and preformed miracles, which I hear are very tiresome, and of course crucifixion is no picnic. So after Jesus dies, comes back and leaves again, God thinks, "Well my work there is done, all men are saved, I think I'll have a sandwich and call it a day." So he goes to take his nap.

So we know that was somewhere close to 2000 years ago. The Bible seems to indicate that God is going to rest for the whole day. A day to God is a billion years. So 1,000,000,000 - 2000 = 999,998,000 years until we can expect God to wake up. Until then we're alone. Sucks doesn't it?

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